A joke about throwing a wedding together in 3 months, turned into a for sure wedding date. Crazy isn't it?
For those of you who haven't heard the story already, Davy and I have been planning to get married for the last year and a half. Our last date was Nov. 6, 2010. And the time before that was April 24, 2010. Yet, each of those dates just steamed on by with no wedding.
Then about 1 week ago, while at my inlaws, they joked about us getting married this year and in the spring. Well, as you can see, plans are now in the making.
Hall reserved for reception.
Wedding location pick-out.
Minister already booked.
But, there is stull so much to do. I started another blog, so others can visit the site and find out details on the wedding and check out details.
I'm very excited!! It will also give me a TON of new material for this blog. Mostly DIY for wedding things, but DIY projects none the less.
Wish me luck everyone! It's going to be awesome.